The practical nursing program at Denmark Technical College has a 100% pass rate on the PN-NCLEX exam. The 2024 cohort, which consisted of 12 students, all passed the exam. This achievement showcases the college’s dedication to providing students with a high-quality nursing education and preparing them for the healthcare industry.
“This achievement is a direct result of the hard work, perseverance, and dedication demonstrated by both our students and faculty,” said Karen Myers, dean of nursing at DTC. “We are thrilled to see our graduates excel and are confident that they will continue to make meaningful contributions to the healthcare field. This success also reaffirms the strength of our nursing program and the commitment we have to student success.”
Not only is this a major accomplishment for Denmark Technical College but also for the state of South Carolina. South Carolina ranks seventh in the country for passing rates. Test takers who test for the first time in the state of South Carolina receive a passing rate of 97.08%, which is well above the national average of 88.38%.
“We are incredibly proud of our nursing graduates for their exceptional performance on the PN-NCLEX exam. This 100% pass rate is a testament to the outstanding education they receive at Denmark Technical College and the hard work and dedication they have shown throughout their educational journey, said Dr. Willie L. Todd Jr., President and CEO of Denmark Technical College.
Two graduates of the program, Clayton Colvin and Tiana Jones, share how the coursework at Denmark Technical College helped them pass the NCLEX.
“The nursing program at DTC was life changing. While the coursework was extremely challenging, our professors were incredibly supportive and were there for us every step of the way, he said.”
“The nursing program at Denmark Tech gave me the tools and knowledge I needed to pass the NCLEX and to step into a career in nursing with confidence. It wasn’t just about passing the exam; it was about becoming a well-rounded, skilled nurse,” Jones added.