Construction of a new dormitory at South Carolina State University will begin soon after the university’s Board of Trustees approved the new construction. Using federal higher education loans, the new dormitory is expected to house 400 to 500 students. The university plans to tear down the existing basketball court to make room for the new dormitory.

“It’s fantastic to hear, I’m glad that they’re actually listening to what us students got to say and actually showing us that they stand with us,” said Dontrell Paytor, a student at South Carolina State.

In response to housing shortages that have put some students in difficult positions, the new dorm is being built. According to student Cormari Jones, the school needs better housing accommodations, especially for students who are struggling financially.

“It’s important because not everyone has the opportunity to come to college. I know a lot of people that want to come to college and make better life decisions for themselves, but they just don’t have the funds and the opportunity to come to college, so the housing situation needs to be better, not just at our college but every college, so that more people could better their lives,” she said.

Students say other issues that contribute to housing issues include transportation and long wait times.

“There’s a need because there’s students like me that don’t really drive, like I have nowhere; I literally have to commute to campus or like ask a friend to drop me off. There’s not readily transportation,” said student Kimora Aiken.

“You have students who drive back and forth like me. I used to drive back and forth my freshman year until I got housing. I was put on the waiting list, so I didn’t get housing until a month after school started. There’s other people who are in the same scenario as me or the same boat,” Paytor said.

South Carolina State continues to make investments to better the university. Last month the university’s Institute of Business, Environment, Communications, and Transportation opened its new BECT Education and Research Greenhouse as a part of their efforts to enhance the educational options in STEM.

The university is looking to obtain other federal higher education loans for other capital projects in addition to the new dorm. Loan totals for these projects could total $125 million. The university also plans to renovate Nance Hall, a new health and wellness center, a new convocation center, and more if budget requests are approved.